Tuesday, December 1, 2020

💗 Snow

 Today it snows,

and blows.

The wind has turned our rain to solid white crystals of flurry.

Swirling, spinning, and floating up, down, and sideways.

Curving around trees and buildings and vehicles before finally landing and sticking.

Then building itself up, rising ever higher in mounds of fresh white powder.

A covering.

And the white of the snow matches the white of the sky and the rooftops and treetops and even my outdoor tabletop. I peer up through the clouds and note that even the sun is shining white as it peaks from a small opening far above.

It presses against the window screens trying to peek inside. Each flake vying for the best view. 

Some even sneak through the screen and land on the ledge of our screened porch where they rest snuggled and happy to have reached the inside of somewhere.

Reaching for somewhere.....

These swirling individual flakes of frozen moisture, each one an individual with its own unique design causes me to think of us humans. We are each uniquely designed and carry our own dreams and ideals. Our own thoughts and motivations. And, I would suppose that when we are viewed from afar, we too, may appear to be drifting, turning, floating until we land. Pressing our faces into the lives we've attached ourselves to. Gazing in and around and mingling with our peers. I suppose there are times of our lives where we flurry about feeling as though we are independent of one another. But then a gust of wind blows and many of us are tossed about in a united front. 

Then we face the turmoils of life in a forced and united battle, yet we still continue to run from or toward, turn away or towards each other, and often collide into one another unexpectedly. No time to plan or focus or chart a course. Just what, at the time appears to be a random storm.

It's only in the after. That place where calm settles itself, peace returns, and all is quiet, and then we look back on the paths we've taken. We examine our landing site. And, because we are resilient and strong, and desire to move forward, we purposefully look for the good. We look for what is true and whole and make that our new focus. We see with the scope of hindsight, the new possibilities, and we smile and go and even embrace the life set out before us. 

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Hope; a poem

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